2D Analogy Albatross

Writer's Guidelines Poems should be typed, single-spaced, with name, address, and phone number in the upper left-hand corner. Poems should not exceed 200 lines. Please send between 3-5 poems at a time.

Photocopies and/or computer-printouts are acceptable. Please do NOT send simultaneous submissions. Upone finding out that a poem has been accepted elsewhere, your submission will be returned without consideration.

We expect a writer of poetry to read as much contemporary poetry as possible. We seek deeply felt experiences expressed maturely within a unique style of writing. We want to be moved. When you read our poetry, we hope that it moves you in the same way that it moves us. We try to publish the kind of poetry that you would want to read again and again. Send us your best poetry with a SASE and a brief biography. Submissions will not be returned or considered unless a SASE with the correct postage is included.

We publish mostly poetry written in free verse, and we prefer a narrative style. Please do not send rhyming poetry, haiku, or prose poetry.

We are always in need of artwork. We can best use black-ink drawings, woodcuts, etc.—anything easily reproducible via photocopying. Email submissions of artwork are also accepted; see below for email contact info.

As editors we consider the Albatross to be a metaphor for the environment. The journal's title is drawn from Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and is intended to invoke the allegorical implications of that poem. This is not to say that we publish only environmental or nature poetry, but that we are biased toward such subject matter. Avoid sentimental treatment of these or any issues. Reminiscences about encounters with nature also are very hard to pull off. Look at an issue or two of ALBATROSS to see what we mean by "nature poetry" before sending whatever nature poem you have written. And please--no more dead-deer-by-the-side-of-the-road poems.

Remember that we, as publishers of a small poetry journal, need your support. Please help by either buying a sample or a subscription. A single issue is $5.00. A two-issue subscription is $8.00. Also, if you know of a receptive bookstore in your town or city that might carry our magazine, please let us know. Your help is appreciated.

Poems should include name, address, telephone number and email address (when available) in the upper left hand corner of each poem. Please also submit a short bio note.

Poetry should be mailed to the following address:

   Richard Smyth, Editor
   1117 Spruce Street
   Durham, NC 27701

Include a SASE that is big enough (i.e. at least a #10 envelope) and with enough postage to return your manuscript. Do NOT include our return address on the envelope; only your address should appear on the envelope. Poetry submitted without a SASE will not be returned and will not be accepted.


Email submissions are accepted. Send email submissions to rsmyth@anabiosispress.org. Include name, address, and telephone number if these do not already appear in your signature line. Also, please include a brief biographical note as an introduction. Be sure to INCLUDE POEMS IN THE BODY OF THE MESSAGE. Do NOT send any attachments, unless they are image files for a submission of artwork. Also, please send no more than 5 poems at a time and no more than one submission per month.

Thank you for considering ALBATROSS.

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